Sunday, June 28, 2009

This and That

Yesterday I went to the Utah Arts Festival with my friend Jessica and it was delightful. Kristyn was supposed to come with us, but when she said she wasn't busy Saturday night what she really meant was that she was working a double. Silly girl. I saw a lot of really good art that I cannot even begin to afford like this and that. It was also a mecca of artists, intellectuals, gays, hippies, potheads, et al. and as such there was also a saturation of cops. I just thought that was a nice touch. We can't have these sections of society in large groups without a heavy police presence. Just an example of why I'm opposed to building a new police station on Library Square. We also saw SLC Film Center's Fear No Film Festival which showed a selection of short independent films from across the globe. My favorite was "Roads" a film from Tel-Aviv about a couple of Arabic kids who work for, and then run away from, one of the largest drug dealer's in Lod which is the Arabic neighborhood. The creepiest was "X-Mess Detritus" a 90-second, stop-animation film, and everyone knows my horror of stop- and clay-animation. It was a moralizing story about all the crap we give and get at Christmas which become odds-and-ends that fill storage boxes and eventually end up choking landfills and destroying the planet. So instead we should give love and other gifts that don't require wrapping. However, it was not nearly as disturbing as the film Dain, Elise, and I saw a few years ago involving chickens and pirates and stomachs and I don't even know. I still haven't recovered from seeing that.

Speaking of movies, there are a lot of films that just came out that I need to see. There were several summer blockbusters that came out before Memorial Day this year, and then there was nothing. Anyway, I'm super excited to see Away We Go, I can't even contain myself. The other movies on my list include The Brothers Bloom, Easy Virtue, My Sister's Keeper, and Cheri. So I guess I will be spending my weekday afternoons at the Broadway Cinema.


  1. Sounds like fun. I missed the Omaha Arts Festival yesterday, which made me a little sad. The Brothers Bloom and Away We Go were both showing at the pretty little bijou cinema down the street from me, and I was super sad that I didn't get to see them, because I need to go to a movie at that cinema before I die, and also I like Adrien Brody.

    I was not aware of your horror of stop animation films.

    I, too, cannot afford fine apart, nor does my flat have room for it. Still, looking and dreaming is always fun.

  2. Arts festivals are always fun; well, I'm pretty much up for festivals of all kinds. If I lived down the street from a pretty little bijou cinema, I would be there every day. My horror for stop animation stems from seeing Wallace & Gromit and Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer as a young child; I did not find them quirky and endearing but consummately terrifying.

  3. Oooo I love the Park City Arts Festival! I'm so glad you got to go, and that you shared some work you saw so I could FEEL like I went. I spent part of Saturday wandering a Welsh/Latin America/African American cultural festival (Smithsonian) with Thomas. Festivals are such a wonderful way to bring people together and delight in beautiful things!

    I'm so excited to see My Sister's Keeper. I'm fascinated by the legality of genetics and particularly designer babies. Despite my anticipation, I still think UP will be my favorite summer movie. I loved it so much I think I may watch it TWICE!

  4. Well, this was actually the Utah Arts Festival in SLC at Library Square. But I should totally go to the Park City Kimball Arts Festival in August! Festivals are wonderful. And I thought you might like the paintings of shoes. I myself preferred the ones of cocktails.

    I was actually a little disappointed by Up, I must confess. (I seem to be the only one.) And so far, Star Trek still kicks all summer movies' asks.

  5. Greg, what was disappointing about "UP"?

    I am eager to hear your thoughts on "Away We Go".

    Finally, are you going to see any of the Sundance films?

  6. Hello Rae! "Up" was fine, but I didn't love it. I think it was too hyped up for my expectations; aslo, it may have something to do with the audience I saw it with, and that it was in 2D. I will let you know my thoughts on "Away We Go" as soon as I see it. Alas and alack, I missed Sundance this year, and in 2010 I will be in Seattle during Sundance.
