Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day PSA

Happy Leap Day, everyone!

Hulu Plus may advertise themselves as an "eviler plot to take over the world," and while Google's unofficial motto is Don't Be Evil, tomorrow they are taking the next step in eventually taking over the world. (One of my library professors joked that once that second "O" turns red, it's time to head for the hills.) In case you've been living in a cave for the last month or so, Google's new comprehensive privacy policy is going into effect tomorrow as they combine all their 70 services, including Blogger. While you can't do anything about that (though France and the Center for Digital Democracy are on it!), you should at least be aware of the changes and you should always be web savvy about what's online and the information you share.

So here's a link to a Survival Guide from ZDNet so you can take an inventory of your personal data out there as well as links to the Electronic Freedom Foundation's guides to removing your personal Google and YouTube histories. This will not prevent Google from gathering and storing information and law enforcement can still request your search history. However, if you disable Google's web history it will partially anonymize records after 18 months. The EFF also has Six Tips (from beginning to advanced tech know-how) to protect your search history and minimize what gets collected in the first place.

Always practice safe searching!

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