Monday, November 1, 2010


So I got these awesome new old-fashioned WeSC headphones last year--like the ones Joseph Gordon-Levitt wears in (500) Days of Summer--and they were/are awesome. Only the cord is like a foot-and-a-half long. This didn't really matter because it came with a longer extension cord. Sad story: the extension cord shorted out (or something) and no longer works. So I stopped using these awesome headphones and started using bud headphones which are lame. Now I'm trying to look for a gold-plated male/female extension cord and they're all like a bajillion (or fifty) feet long, or they have sucky user reviews, or the postage is super expensive, especially for a freaking cord. Just slap a Forever stamp on it. Sheesh! All I want is a high-quality 3'-6' gold-plated male/female audio cord. Is that so much to ask for? I think not. It's not like I'm even asking to find one that's the same orange color to match the existing cord.

So my Washington school log-in page called, appropriately enough, MyUWNetID, is inexplicably showing up on every web page that I visit. It's f**king annoying. My roommate said I should export my bookmarks and then reinstall my browser. I don't think any of those words are English.

I voted today. In Washington we vote by mail-in ballot which is lame since I don't get an "I Voted" sticker at my local precinct. But voting itself is not lame, and you should all vote! Here's what the liberal Seattle weekly The Stanger says:

"Glen Beck says you're not going to vote this year. Bill O'Reilly says you don't have the guts. Sarah Palin says you're going to toss that ballot straight into your socialist recycling bin. And Christine O'Donnell says masturbation is a sin and she's not a witch and she's you and you're not going to vote.

"Here's why they say you're not going to vote: because the Republicans are unstoppable. They're going to take the House and the Senate and the pennant and the Oscar and the Emmy and the cake. And they know this because they heard it--and said it--in the echo chamber that is Fox News.

[Other stuff about local issues and one fanboy "Squeeeeeeeeee!"]

"Vote. Prove Beck, Palin, O'Donnel, and the rest of the health-care-killing, Wall-Street-loving, anti-gay, pro-kitten-rape dickwads wrong."

And if you want to win a book, enter by leaving a comment in the previous post. Why wouldn't you want a free book?


  1. FINE, I'll vote this year. Yeesh!

  2. I registered to vote here in Nebraska, but not on time! >.< But soon I will be a Nebraska citizen and have fully relinquished my Utah citizenship, and I think that's a very big step in the right direction.

    Man, I've missed your blog.

  3. Good job Elise!

    Nagi! I'm glad you like Nebraska--I guess. I've missed your blog and lovely comments. Hopefully begin a full-fledged lawyer will give you some free time..?
