Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer Playlist

Yesterday was Derby Day, and I was going to write about that wonderful American cocktail--the Mint Julep--and fabulous hats, and Southern gentility, and I hear there's a horse race too. The Mint Julep is a wonderful thing to sip on the veranda on a balmy summer's evening. (But you won't be up for doing much else after consuming one of these fine creations.) Chris Mcmillian teaches us how to make the perfect one. Another wonderful, yet simpler, summer drink is the Cape Cod which is essentially vodka and cranberry juice over ice with a squeeze of fresh lime juice--a forerunner of the Cosmopolitan. A wonderful and refreshing drink when the temperature is climbing, and what a wonderful preppy name too.

Anyway, on to my summer playlist. The songs should be upbeat and energetic for the most part to match the fun, free-spirited nature of the season. That doesn't mean summer never allows for moments of existential angst or introspection especially when the heat waves roll in. Summer is one of my favorite seasons (a close second to autumn). And when the summer ends, I experience a nostalgia that I can't quite explain. Like every summer was perfect and it will never be that way again. Anyway, on to the songs! (and in no particular order.)

"All I Really Want" by Alanis Morissette. This is one of my favorite Morissette songs, and I love jamming to it in the car. I also associate the song with summer as I first bought Jagged Little Pill late one warm spring. So pump the volume up and get ready to rock.

"Soak Up the Sun" by Sheryl Crow. Obligatory nod to the sun? Check. It's perfectly effervescent and makes me think of bonfires on the beach. Plus, it has a certain "Fuck you" quality that fits the summer mood nicely.
I would also like to include "If It Makes You Happy." This is a world-weary, sexily exhausted number and one of my favorites of hers. I suppose we could also nominate "All I Wanna Do."

"White Houses" by Vanessa Carlton. A song about being young and in love set against the backdrop of the season. "The smell of gasoline in the summer heat." It's her song about losing her virginity, and she's reflecting on the summer she had and can never forget about the way things were. "These silly little wounds will never mend / I feel so far from where I've been."

"Downtown" by Petula Clark. a groovy song from the sixties about the joys of going downtown. "Forget all our troubles, forget all our cares." It's the perfect summer song about escaping it all.

"Daylight Robbery" by Imogen Heap. It makes me think of piling into the car with all of my friends on a warm summer night, flying down the interstate heading towards the city lights. "Pleasure moment, thinking big, thinking positive / And itching to get on with it, it's all stops out." And who can resist the energetic beat? Sonic joy indeed.

"Bouncing Off Clouds" by Tori Amos. I listened to this song constantly during the summer of '07, so it's associative. It reflects on a love lost and found, and I find the idea of bouncing off clouds somewhat summery. It's also one of her more rocking, up-tempo songs.

"Los Angeles" by Sugarcult. I find references to California to also be references to summer. This isn't shiny, happy people, but an angsty song about a guy just trying to catch a break in that most shallow of cities: L.A. "This city's killing me / In the heat of Los Angeles." It's a favorite song of mine if I'm looking for some anger or energy. Turn it all the way up!

"LDN" by Lily Allen. It's an upbeat, jazzy song "celebrating" life in London which I visited in the summer. "Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why / Would I wanna be anywhere else?" I also love her new song: "The Fear."

"Stolen" by Dashboard Confessional. This is the kind of reflective end-of-summer song that looks back on the season that came before--that sort of nolstagia I was talking about. It's a strong rock song, and I love it so much. I also love their song "Vindicated" which was featured on the soundtrack of that summer blockbuster Spiderman 2. Another strong, energetic song that reminds me of studying for finals when I just wanted to be outside playing in the sun.

"Summer in the City" by Regina Spektor. Because summer isn't all just fun and games. Sometimes it's a melancholy and lonely affair felt more keenly than during any other season. And missing absent friends. Besides, I love the opening line: "Summer in the city means cleavage, cleavage, cleavage." I also love "That Time" by Regina. A far more upbeat song. "Hey remember that time when I only ate boxes of tangerines / So sweet and juicy! Tangerines." A happy-go-lucky song that ends on a note of retrospection.

"Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. I have memories of driving home late summer nights and this song being on the radio. But really any summer playlist has to feature The Killers. I also love "Read My Mind" and "When You Were Young."

"California" by Rufus Wainwright. Like I said, California makes me think of the sun and beach and surf--summer. This is a jazzy little number that's also a fairly biting satire of the Golden State. "You're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bed."

"Kids" by MGMT. Or "Time to Pretend"--it really doesn't matter. We should also include something by Vampire Weekend. Perhaps "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa"? From what I've heard these bands' songs just have a summery quality to them.

"American Boy" by Estelle. This is fun little song featuring some love and fashion but especially travel, and if that's not summer then what is?

Anyway, these are the songs that I will be listening to this season, and I'm sure I'll be adding to the list. I hope you all have a wonderful summer!


  1. Our musical interests overlap enough so that I can appreciate a good portion of these songs and/or artists. Nice!

  2. I'm telling you that your hustle lies in reviews. Of all types. I can see it now, editors wondering at the reading a review from the unknown university librarian, but they can hear the music, taste the pie crust, see the words on the page...

    I'm tellin' ya...

  3. Oooh. I liked a lot of your choices on the list. I'm mostly familiar with the Sheryl Crow and the Dashboard Confessional, but I find Tori Amos and Regina Spektor are often good choices. "Vindicated" reminds me of the summer too, mostly because it was the song I listened to one summer to get all geared up to go break up with a guy. Yay for songs by association. Also "Downtown" by Petula Clark is a childhood favorite of mine. My mom told me that Ms. Clark used to have a radio program that was a story hour. She has such a nice voice that I'd totally listen to her read me children's stories.

  4. "Cleavage, cleavage, cleavage!"

    (We have that ALL seasons, ALL the time in my house, btw.)

  5. One last thing before a week of radio silence: I'm sending you a song that I think is perfect for summer. You review it and say why :D

  6. Ss, iTunes is a very clever business. Once Kirsty MacColl's "In these Shoes?" was pulled into the soundtrack for "Kinky Boots" (which I am watching right now), they made it an album only purchase. I bought last year (remember when I was re-watching S&tC in prep for the film) as part of my acquiring all the songs used on the S&tC series. It was available as part of an old album of hers. No longer and, alas, I can't send it because it is formated for me to not be able to do so :( I even looked at Amazon, but it's the same over there. Sigh. I think it's perfect for your summer playlist...

  7. Summer playlists are by far my most favorite to make. Sometimes i make them in december. Also sometimes i burn them on CDs and mail them to random addresses. ok that last bit was a lie... but i think i should do it. we should all do it. what thinkest thou? maybe i'll randomly send one to your address. and by the way, Summer in the City is number one on my iTunes play count, by like, a mile.
