A few weeks ago I went to the ALISS Open Meeting. After the meeting we went to The Zoo, which is in fact a dive bar and not a zoological garden. This has been very confusing in the past. We had many much beer and some of us, which did not include me, played shuffleboard. After the Zoo, some of us continued on to the party at Jeannie's apt which was jungle themed. I had a couple of strong drinks as well as a couple of shots so that I could participate in Wizard Slapping, which was renamed Safari Slapping. I got very tired and emotional and sick, which I haven't been in years. It's true what they say: beer before liquor. Plus, an empty stomach didn't help.
The next week, I think, I went downtown to see Amanda Palmer in concert. It was pouring, and I got super drenched. I had to take a couple of hours in a coffee shop to get warm and dry. By the time we were lined up outside the ShowBox, the weather was lovely again. After getting a gin and tonic and a seat, it was time to wait. Then Sxip Shirey came onstage and he literally played bells and whistles. yeah... Then Evelyn Evelyn came on. Evelyn Evelyn is a conjoined sister musical act where the twins are played by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley in one giant dress. Webley describes the twins as similar to the Andrews sisters if they had grown up in a circus and listened to new wave music. If that doesn't paint a picture for you, then I don't know what will. After the twins were done, Jason Webley played a few songs. Then Amanda Fucking Palmer came out in all her glory during which her boob almost popped out. She laughed and fixed herself. She's promoting her new solo album Who Killed Amanda Palmer? I bought the album and have been enjoying it very much. She took one request from a girl who was celebrating her 19th birthday. The girl requested "Oasis" which is an ebullient song about rape and abortion (it is, of course, satirical). And during the bridge, we all sang happy birthday. Amanda also sang "Do You Swear" which you can hear and download for free here. At the end of the night, we all sang a drinking song after spinning around 12 times to simulate drunkenness for those who had not already reached inebriation with the assistance of alcohol. And the super-hot roadie stripped off his shirt. So I was happy.
Then on Saturday, Lillian and I went to see the local-favorite Seattle band, Hey Marseilles, and they were AMAZING! They were playing to a sold-out (and crowded) audience at a rather small venue, The Tractor, where I had a PBR tallboy because it was just that kind of place. A couple of other local bands played before, and they were pretty good too. Hey Marseilles is a seven-man band that plays amazing travelogues and has the European sound down replete with accordion, mandolin, viola, cello, and horn in addition to the guitars, keyboard, and drums, of course. I downloaded their album To Travels & Trunks back in the fall, which apparently was just their EP and is no longer up on iTunes. They are (re)releasing their album later this month, and let's hope that gets on iTunes eventually. You can download their biggest hit "Rio" on their MySpace page and listen to some of their other songs too.
So I had hardly seen Maggie all quarter, and now I'm getting a major dose which is good. On the day I saw Amanda Palmer, I got my first real taste of Indian fare with her as my guide. Later that week, there was another happy hour, where I didn't drink anything, and then we went to Thai Tom on the Ave which has amazing Thai food. Yesterday, we went and saw Robin Hood and then got pizza at Pagliacci's. Robin Hood got a lot of bad reviews, but I enjoyed it if only because I haven't seen a movie at the theaters in months! Plus, Maggie bought the tickets. You definitely get a better sense of the history than the Disney version (which is my own beloved Robin Hood) of which Maggie, the medievalist/early modernist history major, approved. The liberties taken enhance the fairytale/legend aspect of the story. It is a major war movie from Ridley Scott and an origin story of how Robin Longstride/Loxley became Robin Hood. Watching Eleanor of Aquitaine and Prince John interact made me want to watch The Lion in Winter (the original film with Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn) which is amazing--check it out. After the movie and pizza, we got ice cream and discussed how Russell Crowe is aging in reverse.
Earlier that weekend, specifically at 5:00 on Friday, after submitting yet another assignment and finishing the WEEK OF DOOM, I watched Into the Woods and tried to get drunk, but three cocktails and nothing. That was sad. On Saturday, Meagan and I went shopping at the GAP because my entire wardrobe pretty much comes from the GAP (just as in college my entire wardrobe came from American Eagle). I am moving up in the world. Now I usually cannot shop a sale for the life of me, but I got some great deals. I got three polo shirts for $15 each (that day only!) which are normally $30. I got two pairs of jeans both in the clearance rack and two belts which were on sale. I also bought flip-flops and a madras shirt. In addition I got 25% off everything, except the flip-flops, as a GAP card member--sometimes debt does pay. I also bought a linen shirt and a blazer online which were both 25% off, and I got free shipping. Booyah! And I look fantastic.
I still need to get a suit for Jess's wedding--I cannot wait to come to Utah!--and I'm not sure what I'm going to wear to the iBall on Friday. But school's not over yet, kiddies. I have the second part of my 521 final which I will be doing tomorrow morning. Then on Friday my teaching philosophy/statement is due. If it has three or more typos/grammatical errors it will receive a failing grade--harsh! It's been awhile since I was a grammar god in training, but I'll be fine. hopefully. Next week I have to write the final part of my prospectus for an info literacy program and a final group paper on the future of reference. And then I will be done! With my first year. I'm already terrified of graduation.
And if you're wondering just what it is that iSchool students do (I'm still not sure actually) perhaps you've already seen this viral video starring faculty and fellow students.
Sounds like you're having a serious lot of fun in your life. I'm glad.
ReplyDeleteI graduate in the spring, got my first 4.0 in grad school this semester--all 20th century lit classes and the same prof for all probably helped, and next summer will be my second oldest daughter's last summer as a high schooler. I understand needing movies, food, clothes, and friends to provide some respite :D
ReplyDeleteYou should take pictures of yourself in your fab new clothes! I shopped Gap that same day and got the PERFECT denim shirt--really, the thread pattern is absolutely perfect--a lovely white skirt, and a red pima cotton tee. Lucky Brand jeans was having a $49.99 sale on select denim styles. You should check that out. They have the best jeans ever. E.V.E.R. and since they're products are usually very expensive, you might want to consider trying at least one item at a significantly reduced price.
Also, have you watched Dr. Who?
Amber, I am managing some fun, mostly when I shouldn't be. I hope you also manage some fun during bar prep.
ReplyDeleteRae, I just might get my first 4.0 this quarter too! However, grades have almost no meaning in library school, so... Movies, food, clothes, and friends do provide meaning though.
I have not seen Dr. Who. I imagine I would like it. It's British sci-fi, how could I not? It just seems like a huge undertaking for which I'm not ready to embark--like reading War & Peace or something.