Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Me Likey

This is a post about some things I am enjoying lately which means it's a largely positive post and not about how society is going to hell in a shopping cart (how hard is it to return them, people?) or about how much I didn't like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (but really even The Da Vinci Code was a better book).

Amanda Palmer Performs the Popular Hits of Radiohead on Her Magical Ukulele--the title pretty much says it all. Now I don't know from Radiohead, but I like Amanda Fucking Palmer, and I think this collection of covers is pretty good. And who doesn't love some ukulele? Neil Gaiman says "it's, strangely, not even a novelty album at all," though one must assume he's biased. The seven tracks include two covers of "Creep" but I think my favorite is "Idioteque" or maybe "No Surprises." All this and more can be yours for the low, low price of $0.84. You can listen to the songs and buy the digital album at her website. You name the price--the 84 cents pays the royalties--anything extra goes straight to Palmer.

In other music news I bought Joni Mitchell's Blue (finally) after seeing
The Kids Are All Right and Arcade Fire's The Suburbs after Megan mentioned their new album was only $3.99 on Amazon. It was an impulse purchase since I've never listened to Arcade Fire, but I like it so far. They remind me of Spoon.

Carey Mulligan. How much does everyone love Miss Mulligan since she came out last fall in An Education? I want to screen a Carey Mulligan festival, and I'm starting with the recent BBC adaptation of Bleak House, available for instant viewing on Netflix, where she plays Miss Ada Clare. I also plan on seeing her in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps where she plays Gordon Gekko's (Michael Douglas) estranged daughter and Shia LaBeouf's love interest. I even watched the original Wall Street in preparation though I wasn't very taken with it.

The Film Experience Blog which is somewhere around here
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It's a blog devoted to awards, actresses, and cinematic musings which are pretty much three of my favorite things ever. There's always something new to read over there, and Nathaniel R., fellow actressexual, loves Meryl Streep just as much as I do. However, I am green with envy at him for doing the film talk so much better than I can.

Humpday, by Lynn Shelton, is also available for instant viewing, and I decided to watch it last night. It's an indie film set in Seattle (hey, I've been there!) where two straight friends decide to make a gay porno together for HUMP!, an annual film festival hosted by The Stranger showcasing homemade erotica shorts. As part of the mumblecore movement it's heavy in dialogue and relationships which are things I love. Favorite line: You're not as Kerouac as you think you are, and I'm not as white-picket fences as you think I am." I liked it much better than Netflix thought I would, and I love it when the complexity of my personality and taste cannot be reduced to some algorithm. Plus, Mark Duplass is pretty cute.

Other things I love:
  • FOOD. Who needs men when you can have a relationship with food? I was watching the Seattle portions of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives on YouTube and was basically drooling uncontrollably. I must go to all of these places immediately.
  • Canada Dry Seltzer water. It's magical, magical stuff. I just bought the last case at QFC. Hopefully they will stock more.
  • New wisdom entries. "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?" Rabbi Hillel preaches perfect, accessible wisdom, and something I need to remind myself of more frequently. And from Job, "Canst though draw out Leviathan with an hook? . . . Will he make a covenant with thee?" Which is wisdom of a much more brutal kind, as Captain Ahab would come to learn.
  • Gin! Just kidding. Well, not really.


  1. oh my. thank you for the kind words.

  2. Do you like Blue? You know which one is my favorite on there...

  3. Also, the password word thingy (I forget the name of those things) was "bathelic" which sounded (to me) like Harry Potter saying basilisk with a lisp.

  4. Oh, hello, Nathaniel R.

    I do like Blue though I haven't been listening to it very much. If I remember correctly your favorite song is "A Case of You" which is also one of mine.
