Thursday, January 8, 2009


I'm pretty sure I have strep through. Currently I have a fever of 103.3 which is up from 102.8 of two hours ago--during which time I slept--except I couldn't actually fall asleep, I just lay there with my eyes closed listening to music. And is 103 degrees a dangerous temperature? Should I be driving to the ER? By the way I finally figured out what the "sleep" function is on alarm clocks, DVD players, and my iHome after twenty-two years of life. If like me you're totally ignorant about this awesome feature, let me enlighten you. You can choose for the electronic device you're using to go quiet and eventually turn off after x amount of minutes. So if you need to fall asleep listening to music or watching TV but you don't want it to play all night, use the sleep function. I used it during my nap, except I never fell asleep. Anyway, while I was not sleeping I had a little delirium probably from my extreme fever. My hands felt impossibly large and heavy like they were going to crush my body with an inexorable force, yet they didn't because in reality my hands were lightly resting wherever I had put them. So they felt extraordinarily heavy and also light since they were in fact not crushing me. It was a cool sensation which reminded my of my childhood and my grandma's house though I have no idea why. Eventually the sensation started to worry me, for everywhere I put my hands there was this great weight, but after a very long time it gradually went away. Delirium reminded of my the youngest of the Endless from Neil Gaiman's Sandman. There's Destiny, Death, Dream, Desire and Despair (who are twins), and Delirium--who is actually based in part on Tori Amos and whose music I was listening to as I tried to sleep. Anyway, I would love to get on some antibiotics and get rid of this horrible feeling. I was sick just a few weeks ago--I thought I had a better immune system than this! I blame Airborne: "and I swear you're just like a pill / instead of making me better, you're making me ill." Whitney was always taking different immune-boosting supplements and yet was always sick. And pretty much when my mom bough Airborne that's when we all started to get sick. I'm not really sure what to do now. I've already tried sleeping and that didn't work so well. My family's going to Texas Roadhouse since it's my dad's birthday, but I don't feel like going at all. Kristyn's probably going to Australia tonight--again I don't really want to go out in public and it would be lame to go to movie with friends on my dad's b-day. I'm sort of excited for a new The Office and 30 Rock tonight. And I probably have a new Netflix in the mailbox today. So I guess I will watch TV. Hope you're feeling better than I am right now. Shalom.


  1. 104˚ is the dangerous temperature.

    Sorry you're feeling so terrible!

    Wait, why are you blogging?!?

  2. Extremely high temps aren't that bad, as long as they come down within 24 hours or so. The ones that you should be concerned with would be something like a temp of 100 or 101 for a period off a couple of days.
