Monday, November 29, 2010

My New Favorite Thing

Last week I was mildly obsessed with The Pioneer Woman, particularly the cooking part. She has just been dethroned though by Allie Brosh of Hyperbole and a Half. But don't fret Pioneer Woman, your considerable use of butter will always draw me back.

Hyperbole and a Half is a blog that is illustrated by Allie's cartoon drawings. It's a perfect storm of well-told, hilarious stories replete with amazing cartoon drawings. I always have a case of the giggles as Heidi could tell you. It's just the funniest site I've read in a very long while.

The first post I read dealt with moving and how that affected her two dogs, neither of which have coping mechanisms of any kind. Dogs, they're so funny!

Once I discovered this website, I didn't do anything else with my weekend. Some of my other favorite posts include The God of Cake in which a young Allie is psychotically consumed with the need to consume an entire cake. I relate entirely too well with This is Why I'll Never be an Adult. And then there's Spiders: "Spiders are little pieces of death wrapped in scary." So true. And this image had me laughing so hard I almost died. No seriously, very strange gurgles started coming from my throat and I almost stopped breathing.

copyright by Allie Brosh

So happy Monday everyone. Good luck getting anything done.

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